Webinar · 18 February 2025
Empowerment Beyond a Buzz Word: With Vet Empowered
Join our latest Together Academy Webinar in partnership with SPVS! In this latest session Katie Ford and Claire Grigson of Vet Empowered d…
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Articles, webinars, podcasts and more!
During this panel discussion three industry leaders will discuss the changes they are seeing in diagnostic testing and how those changes are leading to better medicine.
Read morePhysiotherapy and rehabilitation is becoming increasing popular among pet owners as they look for additional ways they can help their pets. Your patients’ wellness journey doesn’t end when they are discharged after a procedure, we need to provide these animals and their owners with ongoing care and support to maximise recovery and minimise compensatory issues.
Read moreThe veterinary profession is increasingly motivated to improve sustainability in all areas of practice. We’ve made great steps forward in some places, whilst in others we face complex challenges as we balance our desire to give the best care to our patients with our potential impact on the world around us. Practices can only do so much alone, and having sustainability in mind when choosing partners and products is becoming increasingly important.
Read moreIn this episode with Jack Peploe and Mathew Wood, we discuss the increasing interest of veterinary practices in adopting new technology and practice management systems.
Read moreIn this session Kate will share her journey from designing the practice’s first health plan, through to its current iteration which includes unlimited consultations.
Read moreIn today’s guest blog, [human savvy](https://behumansavvy.com/ "how to be human savvy") expert Olivia Oginska breaks down the basics around understanding emotional intelligence and how to support your veterinary team's growth.
Read moreStruggling to break through the noise and stand out as an employer of choice; one where people actively seek you out and pick you ahead of the crowd?
Read moreIn this CE-accredited session you’ll hear about 10 companies at the pinnacle of the innovation ecosystem in vet med and the products they offer that will support your practice management growth and productivity efforts.
Read moreThis discussion looks at how suppliers and clinic teams can work together to facilitate improved patient outcomes through incorporating new products and technologies into the clinic, while not affecting hospital workflows and compromising vet and nurse time.
Read moreDo you feel overwhelmed by the dizzying array of technology options available for your veterinary practice? Are you unsure how to choose the right software, IT services, and phone systems? Do you want to learn how to make your practice more efficient, professional, and secure, so you can focus on what really matters - patient care?
Read moreThis week Dr. Thom Jenkins explains how getting the balance between quality, cost and convenience can revolutionise a clinics understanding of just how competitive their veterinary business model can be. # Back to The Future In 2007 hoping to piggy back on to the ever increasing trend of 'pets', a group of marketers decided that the future of pet care was going to be robotic pets. Companion pets that wouldn't get sick, need walking or ever throw up on your pillow. However, fast forward just over 15 years and a global pandemic it turns out that there's something intrinsic to picking up the faecal matter of another species that we humans find therapeutic!
Read moreAs BSAVA PetsApp CEO and Co-founder discussed the 'Theory of Constraints' and knowing your clinic's current (single) bottleneck. So what is the theory of constraints and how is it possible to have only one bottleneck, when we seem to be fighting against much more?
Read moreJoin Coach & Consultant Katie Ford who will be leading the discussion on AI in veterinary with Director of DCS Digital & VetSocial Scott Bowler.
Read moreBuilt by UK Vet Dr. Thom Jenkins, PetsApp’s driving force is his unwavering belief that the local vet is best placed to look after and serve the needs of any pet. However, often, any increase in patient advocacy comes at the sacrifice of the team. Realising that the power of the appointment needed to shift, he set about creating the app.
Read moreNow more than ever amidst ongoing workforce shortages people are your business’ greatest asset. To ensure you continue to attract and retain the best people, employers must change how we interact with our teams.
Read moreLast week pack member Naomi led a well received talk on content generation. Utilising your clinic’s social media platforms is key when wanting to up your offline to online game. The number one hack? Realising that absolutely everything is content!
Read moreA successful pricing strategy is crucial for any business, learn about Dr James Bigglestone's data-driven strategies...
Read moreA common theme this month has been the need for change within veterinary when it comes to how we recruit and retain our veterinary teams. With lots of talk both around how to attract the right candidates as well as how to carve out your own career in veterinary that is bespoke to you.
Read moreWith over 20 years experience in recruitment, within veterinary Ella's daily mission is to utilise her wealth of experience to help match candidates to roles that will not only enhance their career paths but also the businesses that onboard them.
Read moreNever has the field of veterinary medicine evolved as fast as it was forced to over the past decade. Much like the veterinary industry, the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is constantly growing. In today’s blog post, using insights from the pack we discuss 5 tips for veterinary professionals and the people and pets they serve .
Read moreSPVS and PetsApp Come Together to Celebrate Women in Veterinary for International Women’s Day Tune in on International Women’s Day. Chairing the session, Ami Sawran will be joined by panelists Angela Jones (Clinical Director, The George Equine Clinic), Kerrie Hedley (COO, XLVets) and Dr. Donita McCants (Founding Vet, Veterinary Concierge Services). Sharing their stories, the panel aims to use their personal experiences to give advice and guidance on best outcomes for individuals in the veterinary community, seeking support and employers wanting to do better.
Read moreIt’s that age old question; how do we get more, without doing more? But could it be that the greatest hack there is you already have in your arsenal? Mastering pet owner communication through utilising reminders is a great way to get yourself in front of your clients without having to physically place yourself in front of them!
Read moreAs more and more clinics switch to a hybrid online-to-offline offering to better serve their clients, fear around access, use and even ownership of private data has understandably also increased. As both service providers and service users it is good practice to maintain a high level of vigilance in protecting both your own privacy and the privacy of others. To address these concerns around client data, privacy, and ownership of clinic data the PetsApp pack have come together to create this easy-read article on client data and privacy to give you full clarity around permissions and data ownership.
Read moreGiven that zip/post code is the number one predictor of the vet a pet owner would choose, are you doing enough to ensure those two visits come back to you?
Read moreMoving from transactions to relationships means shifting from a transactional way of doing business, where the primary focus moves from a one-time exchange of goods or services for money, to a more engaged approach, where the goal is to build long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with clients, often through the use of memberships or subscriptions.
Read moreJocelyn is the owner of a practice in regional Australia and the founder of Smooth Operating Vets. In this session she will discuss why we have a veterinary shortage and how to deal with it.
Read moreThis episode, PetsApp co-founder and CEO Thom Jenkins speaks with Dr. Jessica May on the latest RCVS under care review.
Read moreHow to use tech to enhance the client bond has become a hot topic in recent years and never more so than within the pet healthcare industry. In a recent webinar with PetsApp, Peter Weinstein the executive director of the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association and a veterinary coach at Simple Solutions for Vets discussed how to use tech to enhance the client bond.
Read moreBeing a mobile/concierge practitioner is a very niche market, so there are always questions from colleagues and clients about the differences, and the benefits compared to a brick and mortar.
Read moreProudly aided by the PetsApp pack Dr. Donita McCant's veterinary concierge services have been a runaway success. An experienced Veterinarian with a demonstrated history of supporting the veterinary industry, we asked Dr. Donita McCants how using PetsApp as a mobile veterinary practitioner has helped with managing the hybrid, mobile pet care services she offers.
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